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Dolmen D'usclàs/ Vallon- Pont d'arc Ardéche/ Grotte des hugonottes/ en Francia. Performer Valerie de la Dehesa. Copy right Arqueología performática


Primordial Nature embodiment

Performer: Valerie de la Dehesa Barbé

Cámara fim: Francesca Morosini

Edición: Valerie de la Dehesa Barbé

Lugar: Dolmen D'Usclás, Cave des Hugonottes, Vallon-Pont D'arc dans Ardéche. France

Vídeo: 2 min


Deep inmersion in to archaeological sites through the embodiment of primordial natural spaces called Performatic Archaeology were performer Valerie de la Dehesa embodies the archaeological spaces like the Dolmen of Usclás with her Owl sounds, touching the walls of the Dolmen, or the Cave of Hugonottes right next to the Cave of Chauvet were all wild animals where drawn on tits walls in Ardéche France, To end up on the Canyon of the river Ardèche, were the natural prehistoric site Vallon-Pont D'arc, was part of a sacred natural space full of life and caves. Performatic Archaeology is a project realized in many sites all over Europe, where artist Valerie de la Dehesa alone, and sometimes with other groups of artists interact in archaeological sites with her body and senses as a tool of connection with the spaces.

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