Valerie de la Dehesa
Founder & project director
Artist, performer and researcher with a PHD in Fine arts by the UCM University Complutense of Madrid in the department of Schulpture titled VEGETABLE PROCESSES IN THE FEMALE BODY THOUGH ART.
Teaches as an associate Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University Photography, Image & visual arts in the Design , Architecture & Fashion Schooll.
Curates exhibitions specialized in Art, Nature & Gender.in Institutions and museums.
Founder of the WOMENTREEPROYECT A place were we care & rise women artists all over the world by giving their art work more value by promoting, investing and exhibiting their art work with the support of professional curators, researchers, institutions, private & public investors and donators.
She loves teaching and shearing art, work and experiences therefore she coordinates contemporary art workshops, seminars and lectures with Institutions and Museums in Spain and now thinking of doing it in France and Italy.
She studied photography at the ICP in New York and was a photojournalist in many international papers and with El Pais newspaper.
Film Maker
Francesca Morosini
Filmaker and Colaborator, Press and Comunications
Francesa is the photo editor of big editorial companies in Milan, she is an artist & a photographer who studied in I.C.P in NY.
She started filming performances with us since 2019 and in hand in the Megalithic South of France our MEGALITHIC TRILOGY short film of performance presented in the Academy of Film in Spain.
Colaborating artists
Paula Santos de Lucas
artista performer colaboradora
Artista multidisciplinar, termina sus estudios de Bellas Artes en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Fundadora de Ohno-studio, galería de arte online que surge como proyecto abierto y abre sus puertas a cinco artistas jóvenes con un mismo objetivo común, la creación sincera.
A su vez comienza a colaborar con el proyecto “Arqueología Performática”, apasionada por experimentar con su cuerpo en enclaves arqueológicos.
Diana Toledo
artista colaboradora y editora
Video artista y diseñadora realizó el Master Oficial de Postgrado en Diseño por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2008 es Licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2007 y Técnica de postproducción y animación. WSB Berlin 2013
Laura Valor
artista y colaboradora
Artista formada en Comunicación Audiovisual y Master en Investigación en Arte y Creación su práctica artística se expande a través de diferentes medios y acciones. Forma parte del colectivo La Neuronera, ha formado parte de La Escuelita, ha obtenido una beca del MUSAC para creadores y ha expuesto sus trabajos tanto dentro y como fuera de España. Sus intereses de investigación y creación pasan por todas aquellas prácticas contemporáneas que se articulen desplegando el potencial transformador y emancipador que supone vincularnos con el fondo común de la experiencia humana.
Ana Belle Cairo
artist and performer.
Aline Part
artist and performer
Clara Lurueña
artist and performer.
Montse Lorenzana
artist and performer.
Lucia Hervars
artist and performer.
Diego Navarro
artist and performer.